Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I am not my hair.....Yes I am

As most women do, I LIVE for my hair. Although I love the song "I am not my hair" by Indi Arie ....I beg to differ. We are ABSOLUTELY our hair. Hair is not only an expression, its a reflection. Like it or not it's how the world perceives you. Long/Short sexy hair = Confident woman , Raggedy untamed hair = Probably cares less about her appearance woman. lol

                                  One of my favorite hairstyles is the short layered boob


And although Im typically a long hair type girl , I occassionally like to try new do's. I got really brave one week and tried the Goddess Braid with a bang....Do you love it?,,I did

I love the fact that anytime I'm having a bad hair day , I can just throw on a Diva Bun in like 15 mins and keep it moving.

                           You can purchases these at  your local beauty supply for about $11

 I've even tracked a few celebs bunning it up

“There really is such a thing as a bad hair day—44% of the women have had a mood affected by a bad hair day and 26% have actually shed tears after a hair cut

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