Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Scarves, Scarves and more SCARVES

mn nk

One of the things that I absolutely LOVE about Fall/Winter is SCARVES!!!! There are sooo many ways you can wear a scarf. And just when I think I've mastered them all, here comes another unique way. Track some of my scarf looks and learn cute ways to wear them.

I found this Kenneth Cole scarf from K&G Outlet for about $10 

I got this blue knit scarf from Dollar Tree for you guessed it.....$1.00

 This houndstooth print scarf from Target $8.00

This scarf was thrifted for $5.99 ....and peep the blazer (also seen in my thrift haul post for $4.99)

ALL AGES can rock a cute scarf.

Check out these cool ways to wear a scarf...

Track my thrifts

Recently, I've been enjoying my new found hobby, you guessed it....THRIFTING!!!. About a year ago, I was so close minded to thrifting and wouldnt be caught dead in a salvage store....but little did I know.
I've found sooo many great deals while shopping at thrift stores, its crazy. And the crazy part is that some of the stuff is actually new with original tags still in place.
And lets not even talk about the rare vintages pieces that you can find. Check out some of my cool buys.

                              Shade .99 , Pearls Necklace .99 , Light blue buttom earrings $1.99


                    And my fav find of them all...The dog tooth pea coat for a whopping ----> $14
                                                It was missing a button, but I'm sure I'll live.

                             And believe it or not you can also create celebrity looks at the thrift store!!!!!!!

I am not my hair.....Yes I am

As most women do, I LIVE for my hair. Although I love the song "I am not my hair" by Indi Arie ....I beg to differ. We are ABSOLUTELY our hair. Hair is not only an expression, its a reflection. Like it or not it's how the world perceives you. Long/Short sexy hair = Confident woman , Raggedy untamed hair = Probably cares less about her appearance woman. lol

                                  One of my favorite hairstyles is the short layered boob


And although Im typically a long hair type girl , I occassionally like to try new do's. I got really brave one week and tried the Goddess Braid with a bang....Do you love it?,,I did

I love the fact that anytime I'm having a bad hair day , I can just throw on a Diva Bun in like 15 mins and keep it moving.

                           You can purchases these at  your local beauty supply for about $11

 I've even tracked a few celebs bunning it up

“There really is such a thing as a bad hair day—44% of the women have had a mood affected by a bad hair day and 26% have actually shed tears after a hair cut

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tracking down BOWS...

There's been an crazy epidemic of BIG crazy hair bows. And guess who's been shot by the BOW in ..get it!
 When I first spotted this trend, I thought to myself ummmm, how foolish is this mickey mouse look. However like any trend, it started to grow on me. You can accent the BIG bow look with any casual attire.


                                                        I've even tracked celebs bowing .....

                                          Keep it funky, the bigger and floppier the bow the better.

Ready, Set, TRACK!!!

Bonjour, Im Kimberly Michelle, a Full-Figured Diva who loves my body,curves and most importantly myself . My goal is to inspire other full-figured ladies to love the skin they're in, embrace their curves and remain stylish while doing so. As most of you divas know, it can be an extreme challenge to find clothes to accent our curves. Over the years full figured fashion has evolved, and ladies, we must keep up pace. I have challenged myself to my live a little outside the ordinary fashion box, take bigger fashion risk, and to take a ride on the electric fashion train. I encourage you divas to sit back , have a snack ;P, and TRACK MY STYLE.